Linear (thermometer) style gauges?

And here:

Cheers Erik

Erik I get this:


You don’t have permission to access /weather2/uploadWD/ on this server.

But anyway, what I had to do was download Brian

That’s the directory that Erik’s files are in, so add a filename e.g. clientraw.txt to the url and you should be OK.

Yes, but it is the same problem as with Brian, once the files are on external server it is too slow. But I can use the static local files because I know the update works - I tested that with random numbers. And then once someone uses it who has clientraws being updated on their server it will work.

I was just addressing the forbidden issue, a different set of files could still have been useful to you.

Definitely, thanks a lot.

Im just working on it now. It


so I started to work on the data extraction from clientraw. I tried to do as much as I could myself, but I wasnt able to find a few things and I would also welcome if some more experienced WD users verified my variables are correct before I implement it.

Basically, I created a Google spreadsheet, where I put all the variables I wanted the gauges page to show with the respective clientraw file name, field number and units. I based this on the WD parser. However, the description in the parser is sometimes not 100% clear and so I am not sure I got it all right.

Therefore if you have time and want to, feel free to have a look at it, things you can do:

  • add any variables that are included in any of the files and you think I should somehow include (just put them at the end so that I easily see what has been added)
  • fill in gaps that I have there (variables that I did not recognize from the description where they are)
  • add any variables that can be calculated from the values available (for example fire danger index based on CBI - humidity + temp) etc.

Also, I have included a column called “verified” and set it all to “no” - if you know that what I inserted is correct, simply change this to “yes” - ideally I will have yes in all rows before I continue

Here is a link to the shared document anyone can access and edit:

Thanks in advance

I added max gust last hour #133, I use that on my indoor (hardware) weather displays and think it is a useful representation of current wind conditions.

Sure, add anything you think might be useful, even things that can be calculated from the available data and are not directly included in the files.


I’m checking your file “WD variables” in Google, and so far, everything is correct :lol:

What is bothering me though is that I was unable to find the times for daily Max/min for temp, humidity etc.

Given the amount of information available in all the clientraws, it seems quite odd to me that such an important variable wouldnt be there, so I suspect its just me being an idiot that cant find it there :smiley:

No wonder you do not find, I’m going crazy with so much information :hypnodisk:

there are times for daily max/min added at the end of the clientraw.txt file that the tnet parser does not list, but it is detailed in the clientrawdescription.txt

Jachym, weired…
But just know you can get what you want, acess or files anytime


I could make an FTP connection to you if you want


Added precipitation hourly to your sheet


aha… I see :slight_smile: I was using the parser, which is probably slightly outdated :slight_smile:


where would I find the clientrawdescription.txt?

This is the latest with 287 zip

clientrawdescription.txt (14.1 KB)

where would I find the clientrawdescription.txt?
its included with the WD install files

got it :slight_smile: Thanks