Acurite bridge csv file rain read as mm/wind gust reversed

I have just started using the WD demo in conjunction with Kevin Key’s bridge reader app. The app will spit out a csv file in the following format:

Local Time,Temperature,Humidity,Wind MPH,Wind Gust,Wind Dir,Pressure,Rain Hour,Rain Day,Dewpoint
6/23/2015 6:36:03 AM,65.3,62,4.2,10.4,315,29.94,0.1,0.1,52.1

In the WD program debug info, it looks to be pulling in the numbers:

6/23/2015 6:35:59 AM,65.3,62,4.2,10.4,315,29.94,0.1,0.1,52.1

In the WD view panel, data log file, i see the following for rain:


If i convert 0.1mm to in I come up with 0.0039in. I am not sure if WD is expecting the csv rain value to be in mm, or if I am missing something in the WD config.

I have set up WD using all fo the default settings, selecting the acu-rite station type and enabling the “Use weather.csv Data File From Bridge” option.

WD appears to pull the data from the csv, but I have noticed two issues.

  1. WD looks to be interpreting the reported rain (rain hour, rain day) as a “mm” measurement. The csv is reporting the measurement in “in”.

  2. The “wind mph” field in the csv is being reported as “current wind” in WD and as “wind gust” in WDL. The “wind gust” field in the csv is being reported as the “average wind speed” in WD and “wind” in WDL.

I may just misunderstand how the wind is reported in WD and WDL, but I am pretty sure about the rain being misread as a mm input instead of in input from the csv file generated by the bridge reader.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I did have the av/gust wind around the wrong way
the next update of WD will fix that
and also you were correct about the rain
I will get a new .zip updated and let you know

a new .zip update is ready now :slight_smile:


I tested this afternoon and everything is working perfectly.

Thanks so much :slight_smile: