running consolewd headless

2015-april 29 => resurrected post

After everything else is started on your rapsberry the /etc/rc.local file is run
So you can put the start instructions for consolewd there.

But to do that you need to have a console / keyboard attached.
When consolewd is running the output is send to a terminal/window.

If you want to run the raspberry “headless” you need a different solution:

The linux program: screen

This gives you the flexibility needed to start consolewd at startup without using a console/keyboard.
You can than use SSH to attach to the screen session later to check how it is running.

Two steps to follow after your consolewd is fully functional:

  1. Install screen as described above
  2. modify /etc/rc.local by using sudo nano /etc/rc.local or a vnc/ desktop editor
    Add the following two lines to the end of the file before the exit 0 command.

cd /home/pi/consolewdfiles
screen -amds bash ./consolewd

Adapt the directory structure based on your situation. In the two lines above the consolewdfiles folder is in the user pi home folder.

After restarting your raspberry you can issue the command (in a terminal window or SSH session):

sudo screen -r

and the consolewd output appears in your terminal.
IMPORTANT: to let consolewd continue running you have to type the command

Ctl-a d

This is Press the Control-key and the a key, release them and press d
The Ctl-a keys are a signal to the screen program, the d means detach, see also the link above.

Succes, Wim