SteelSeries Announcements

v1.6.3 posted, this fixes the last known (ha ha!) bug introduced by the 1.6 changes - the maximum average temperature reading.

I also taken the opportunity to do a long overdue tidy up the graph handling in the popups.

There is a new variable (g_showPopupDataGraphs) which allows you switch off the graphs completely and just leave text based popups.

All the graph images are now defined in gauges.js by the g_tipImgs array - you no longer need to edit the ddimagetooltips.js as well. This array has also been expanded; by default it is configured with the ‘standard’ Cumulus trend images, but you can now add your own custom graphs for every gauge reading such separate graphs for dewpoint, apparent, windchill, indoor humidity etc. You can also add graphs for UV and Solar Radiation which Cumulus does not generate at all. WD users should find this feature useful.