Space Weather addon page for WD-AJAX-PHP-USA

Ahh… it’s a catch-22.

The PHP has Notice: errors turned on, so the three Notice: errors produce headers on the return page. That causes the Warning: that you can’t modify headers once a header has been produced.

Turn off Notice errata in your PHP with a php.ini setting of:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;

and that should silence the (ignorable) error messages.

Best regards,

No more cards or letters, folks, we have a winner!

The reason my wxspace.php page changed mysteriously was because an update to a Wordpress security plug-in on another site I run changed the php.ini file. Sheees.

Thanks for solving the problem! That’s one fix I never would have dreamed of.

Sadly, the content is now missing here due to the massive hard-disk failure (and backup failure without warnings) to this site.

Mike Challis’ most recent update was V1.3 which no longer works correctly.

Martin (budgie) of Hebrides Weather had reworked the Space Weather V1.3 to V1.4 (but the discussion and posting was lost).

I’ve attached his reworked script set for V1.4 to this post :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Ken (172 KB)

Now that NOAA has changed over to using https for some of the images & links used in the Space Weather addon page, I’ve updated the script to V1.5.
You’ll need to update if you’re seeing errors on the EIT 284 & EIT 304 images and the latest aurora images aren’t showing.

This is what I’ve put in the change log:
[i]Version 1.5 - 22-Jun-2017 by Martin Collins (Budgie)

  • updated image URL’s for NOAA Website in the following files:
  • updated URL’s for NOAA Website & Mauna Loa Solar Observatory in the following files:

The full v1.5 script is attached below.

Martin (177 KB)

I really appreciate the work Budgie has put into updating this script. I’m busy resurrecting my weather site after having ‘mothballed it’ over a year ago and I had discovered a number of 018 errors. Gone now.

However, I have come across one problem with the output of the script, which may have to do with file permissions:

3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast Space Weather Forecast Unavailable
Error reading spaceweather current update data.

Could someone point me in the right direction for this?

Hi Jim,
The forecast should be cached into the spaceweather-current.txt file in the script. It was an empty file in the download so make sure it’s on the server and has something in it.
If not, check the settings in the wxspace.php or wxspace_narrow.php file to make sure the location is correct for the cache file.
The permissions for this file should be 644.


Bingo! It was definitely a wrong file permission. Many thanks Martin. Only several more scripts and pages to sort out now :smiley:

I spoke too soon. I needed to re-upload the space weather script after I stuffed something up and now the 3-day forecast is coming up with the same error as before. I’ve checked the file permissions and all ok. However, the spaceweather-current.txt is empty.

Any more thoughts?

Can you post a URL for the page?
This isn’t part of the script I altered in any way and the cache script is part of the wxspace.php. Try re-uploading that in case it got corrupted in some way.

Ok, I don’t know what happened but it is working again sigh. I’m going to leave well alone, I think. Thanks again, Martin. Maybe the script got frightened into behaving when it realised you were on the case.

I’ve done an update to V1.7 for the Space Weather scripts … the site has changed to HTTPS only necessitating updates to many of the scripts (including wxspace.php and wxspace_narrow.php which now use curl for the 3-Day Geophysical Forecast).

Best regards,
Ken (174 KB)

Thanks, Ken! It’s working just fine. (I had to find and delete the cache file, spaceweather-current.txt, before the Space Weather Observations, Alerts, and Forecasts showed up.) As is my preference you can see that I’ve centered things a bit.

BTW, Welcome Back!

Thank you Ken. Much appreciated! =D> Hope that you had a great cruise …

Jerry, How did you “center” all of the headings in the script. Here’s mine with Ken’s new script.

You can view my customized source here. I did this a few years ago and I have just carried the customizations forward into each new version using ‘Compare It!’.

Thanks Ken & Jerry





Thanks for sharing your customization. Much appreciated! :D/ I’ll have to remember to use “Compare It” for future script updates to maintain the customization. :smiley:

Very nice! I added a couple of goodies to it just for grins. Many thanks to Ken and everyone else who put this together.

This script has been nothing but a pain…I can never get all the images to display. Of all the scripts I run this one is by far the one I waste more time trying to fix…

It looks as if wxspace.php has changed. Is it possible to get the latest script with all the files please? Thank you.

Suggest you read this Space Weather Template ( if your logged in you will see the downloads in the last 2 posts