Inspeed Vortex & HB Anemometer Control Board odd behaviour when it rains?

And have continued in similar vein. Both the Vortex and WMR928 think the max gust for the day so far was at 1259 (15.7 mph and 10.5 mph respectively).

At least I’m not trying to run a wind farm! :wink: :lol:

Knowing how the ‘old’ 5.5m mast can jolt when it takes a big gust, I’m wondering how the 10m will react. I think it is well guyed (4 way (N,S,E & W) guys at 3m and 6m to anchors 6m from the mast, 3 way (~SW, ~NNW & ~ESE) guys at 8m and 9.7m to anchors 9m from the mast) but the proof of the pudding, etc…