NOAA RSS Advisory 2.0 PHP Script

I added a few features suggested by Ken True:

He said:
"I’d suggest that a detection for PHP5 be inserted in the script, since you’re using simple_xml function and that could save a few trouble calls :slight_smile:

An option to ‘fetch-through’ to the real alert text would be nice so folks don’t get short-changed by the

text display (fetch the link and save the for display if the non-summary mode is active)."

I added detection for installations less than PHP5 and a failure message.

I just added a new feature/setting to workaround the short message problem:
You just download the latest version from the first post, then set $fullMessagesMode = true;
It will fetch (in realtime) the complete message and instructions(if available) for all the messages when alerts are viewed in non-summary mode.

I also added a fine versioning number after the word BETA so you can tell if I have made slight edits or not.
$Version = ‘V2.00 01-Jun-2009 BETA .002’;