Weather Display Live Rainfall Issue

New to the group, have been a WD owner for many years,left for ambient and wxflash…now back for GOOD with these two products.

So far Im very excited about this Weather Display Live performance and very little demand on the pd compared to WXFlash…Although that flasH
product offered more…plus your data went elsewhere…(which frankly I didnt like…but thats another story…But all and all I love this interface and speed.
Many acouple of options for the end useer (link to add your web site or web cam snapshot…and maybe be able to have multiple charts like the wind one…

BUT to get to my point…

Well I use .0.00 inches…to measure…and the last two days we have had rain and WEATHER DISPLAY LIVE would add an extra 0.01 to the total…
RE 0.61 Yesterday on Vantage Pro and WD,BUT 0.62 on WDL

this morning we had 0.01 in the guage and WD but WDL read 0.02

Anyone else seeing this error?


It appears that WEATHER DISPLAY LIVE may round up some decimal readings. WEATHER DISPLAY LIVE appears to handle the decimal place values better than Real Time Weather does. The decimal place values in WEATHER DISPLAY LIVE and Real Time Weather are a non issue for me as the values displayed in those programs are not recorded.

I find it odd tho…if its rounding up…
why is it doing it right off the bat…from 0.01… making it 0.02
but then it doesnt round anytime after that,from what I see so far…

Yes someone else has mentioned the rainfall rounding issue. I think it must be a rounding issue as it isn’t a consistent amount. I’m going to investigate further to see if I can improve it, at the same time I need to have a look at the rain gauge scales as the number of decimal places displayed can get a bit out of hand sometimes.


Many acouple of options for the end useer (link to add your web site or web cam snapshot....and maybe be able to have multiple charts like the wind one... Sean

Others have requested a link as well. Strangely it’s not that straightforward as Flash handles these things very oddly - but I’m sure it will be possible.

Webcam is definitely possible but the problem with it permanently on display is where to put it on the screen! I could do it like the wind graph where you have a button which will display it on top of the display?

Other charts are possible but not many of the other readings change that fast - usually! To display a graph over a longer time scale it would be better to have it incorporated into the clientraw.txt file so I would need to speak nicely to Brian for that.


link to web site you can add directly to the index.html (or what ever you have it named)
see mine:

i added, to the end of that file:


Click here to go back to the main weather

