Weather Forecast actually work?


in the WDL config file i have enabled the weather forecast, do i have to set up anything else? The thing is that i have lately noticed that it always says:

Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temp. change. Precipitation within 24 to 48 hours…

Under Control Panel - FTP - NOAA Forecast Download do you have “Use the Forecast for the VP Forecast system” ticked? If so unless you are downloading a NOAA forecast you would want that to be unticked…

Also note your WDL appears to be about 2 inches X 2 inches in size in FireFox and is unreadable…

This post may help with the size issue for your WDL…


Hey Thanks,

Im fixing the firefox problem as we speak…

Its unticked, however this is what i have on the page:

HRS: 18

include the text files on my web page: Unticked


are they good?

What you where see is the Davis Forecast. Those setting should be fine yes. Have you found and background for you WDL yet.


so i leave the switch off

You don’t have NOAA where you are at right? Then is should be okay.
